Sheltering in Place
What I like about sheltering in place:
* I can literally beam myself from meeting to meeting (no time wasted in taxis, subways, trains, planes or airports)
* More family time
* Connecting with friends and colleagues near and far (because near/far is the same thing now)
* Saving money on dry cleaning, commuting, travel, gas, childcare, dining out
What I don’t like:
* People getting sick and worse
* Social distancing (it’s an oxymoron)
* “Outside” is a dangerous place requiring a bank robber’s wardrobe (and we have to assume that mail, which used to be so innocent, may have a nefarious impact)
* front line workers exhausted, concerned, scared for themselves and their families
* layoffs, furloughs
We will get through this. Can we hold on to the things we like when the things we don’t like go away?