
Training is an important part of your diversity and inclusion efforts, and should not be the only part, cautions attorney, facilitator and coach Elena Paraskevas-Thadani (She/Her).

Can you finish an entire project in one meeting? Probably not. You can have a meeting that is energizing, productive, helpful, educational, clarifying, etc., but a single meeting is often a part of a project and not the end goal.

This is how Inclusion Training is. Can it work? Of course. Just as an important long term project has key meetings in which you discuss strategies, deconstruct anticipated challenges, and vet solutions, training is an important part of your diversity and inclusion initiative. A key meeting.

Your first meeting is an important part of a project. But it’s not the only part. Your D&I training is valuable as a part of your organization’s long term efforts to leverage your team’s talents and build an inclusive environment. And not the only part. It’s just the beginning.

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